How to Relieve Athlete's Foot

How to Relieve Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is not limited to athletes. Anyone who wears heavy socks and boots or whose feet remain damp for long periods, either from sweat or moisture, is susceptible to this condition.

How to Relieve Athlete's Foot


Keep your feet dry. Put medicated powder in your socks. Cotton socks are absorbent and keep your feet cool. Change your socks every day.


Spray antifungal spray in your shoes. It prevents bacteria from growing and spreading.


Put 20 to 25 drops of tea tree oil in a hot foot bath. Soak your feet 10 to 15 minutes every evening. Tea tree oil kills bacteria and will soothe the itching and irritation that accompanies athlete's foot. You can also apply tea tree oil directly on hot spots.


Olive leaf extract capsules are effective at eliminating microbial infections. Apply some to troubled areas.


Build your immune system. A good vitamin and mineral complex with zinc, vitamins B, E, and C will provide an excellent defense against most infections and can help tissues to heal.


If you don't mind garlic, sprinkle garlic powder in your socks and shoes. Bacteria and fungus can't survive near it.

Tips & Warnings

Wear slippers or flip flops if you are in a public shower area.

Try wearing leather shoes. They will allow your feet to breathe and will eliminate some of the dampness.

Redness and heat can indicate infection. If your feet start to crack and peel, see a physician immediately.

How to Relieve Athlete's Foot With Natural Remedies

How to Relieve Athlete's Foot With Natural Remedies

You don’t have to be an avid sportsman to get Athlete’s foot. Unfortunately, the skin condition is far too common and can affect any one who wears shoes. Athlete’s foot is a fungus that usually appears between the toes, but can show up other places, too. It causes the skin on the foot to become red or white, with cracks, scales, cuts, blisters and painful inflammation. Burning, stinging and itching can also occur. Here are a few natural ways to find some relief:

Things You'll Need:

Tea Tree Oil

Grape Seed Extract

How To Relieve Athletes Foot With Natural Remedies


Tea tree oil – This is the most common way to treat athlete's foot naturally, and one of the most effective because it contains anti-fungal qualities. For best results, apply four to ten drops directly to the affected area three times per day.


Continue the tee tree oil treatment for two weeks after the infection seems to have been healed to make sure it is gone.


Grapefruit seed extract – This also has strong anti-fungal effects. Apply a few drops into your hands, rub together in your palms and massage into the feet three times a day.


It's also a good idea to add a quarter cup of grapefruit seed extract to the wash at the beginning of the cycle, when laundering socks.

How To Keep From Becoming Re-infected With Athlete’s Foot


Keep your feet as dry as possible, especially between the toes where moisture can accumulate.


Wear clean cotton socks everyday.


Avoid tight, closed toed shoes. They cause heat and moisture to build up. (The fungus that causes athlete's foot lives off of dead skin cells, and it loves warm, damp environments).


Never go barefoot in public places. Always wear some sort of shoe, such as sandals or flip flops.


Use a foot powder to keep your feet dry. Plain cornstarch makes a great foot dusting powder.


Always wash your socks in the hot water setting of the washer.

Tips & Warnings

You should consult your physician if you see an accumulation of pus in the cracks or blisters on the skin, or if your symptoms interfere with your day to day activities.

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain by Diet

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain by Diet

Wellness consultants and open-minded doctors have seen how diet can directly affect arthritis patients and their symptoms. The question of how to relieve arthritis pain by diet, they tell us, is directly linked to avoiding the deadly nightshades and knowing how they affect your body. The following steps will help you relieve pain by diet.


Cut the deadly nightshades (Solanaceae family)--tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, and peppers of all kinds except black pepper--from your diet and your lifestyle. Nightshades contain the active metabolite, vitamin D3. This has caused crippling and early disability in livestock.


Try this experiment for a number of weeks, if you are an arthritis sufferer or even simply a person who just wants to feel better, be stronger, and have more vitality. Watch and see during these weeks if your inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness are reduced, as they have been in other people with arthritis pain.


Look on the web for articles about this, and you will find research and stories about how arthritis sufferers have improved for the first time in their lives after removing nightshades from their diet.


Understand that funding for research can get held back and tied up in politics and big business sometimes. But the evidence of the affect of nightshades is there because people have been experimenting with their own bodies and diets.


Build stronger bones, teeth and avoid pain in the joints, knees, feet, wrists and hips by cutting these nightshades from your life. It can take from 6 to 12 weeks to see an improvement, experts say, so start avoiding nightshades now to relieve arthritis pain.

How to Relieve Allergies With Chrysanthemum Tea

How to Relieve Allergies With Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemums can help relieve eye irritation and sinus congestion caused by allergies. It's been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years in China. Chrysanthemum tea can be taken by the entire family and is ideal to drink during cold and flu season too.


Buy chrysanthemum tea online or at a store selling herbal supplements and teas. A box of 20 tea bags will run you about $6.


Steep one to two tea bags in hot water for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and drink the tea hot. Drink two to four tea bags every day to relieve allergies.


Refrigerate the hot tea until it's cold to make iced chrysanthemum tea. During allergy season, keep a pitcher of it handy in the fridge.


Make an herbal infusion by putting four to five flower heads into hot water. Steep the leaves for 2 to 4 minutes. Remove leaves when the drink turns light yellow. Drink hot or refrigerate for iced tea.


Add sugar or honey to chrysanthemum tea to enhance the taste if needed.


Allow dried chrysanthemum flowers to cool. Place them over your eyes to relieve the itching caused by allergies. Put extra flower heads in the refrigerator for future use.


Use cool chrysanthemum tea bags in the same way. Hold them on your eyes for about 10 minutes to provide allergic relief.

How to Relieve a Toothache with a Clove Oil Compress

How to Relieve a Toothache with a Clove Oil Compress

A throbbing toothache is commonly caused by a bacterial infection or tooth decay or infection that penetrates to the root of your tooth. Clove oil is a potent essential oil, which has traditionally been used by dentists to relieve pain and fight infection. Today, it is a common ingredient in several over-the-counter toothache medications and a popular home remedy for toothaches.

You can get immediate relief from your toothache using a clove oil compress. Here's how:

Things You'll Need:

Warm water or mouthwash

3 drops of clove oil

Вј tsp. olive oil

1 cotton ball


Rinse out your mouth with mouthwash or warm water to get rid of any sugar and food residue. Brush your unaffected teeth as well as the pain allows.


Make your clove oil compress: Mix 3 drops of pure clove oil with a 1/4 teaspoonful of olive oil. Soak a cotton ball with this mixture.


Place the clove oil compress against your aching tooth. If it is one of your back teeth, place the compress on the tooth and bite down to hold it in place.


Leave the clove oil compress in place for as long as possible. The throbbing pain will begin to subside.


See your dentist. Remember that a toothache is very often a symptom of tooth decay, infection or other dental condition, which requires your dentist's attention and care.

Tips & Warnings

Clove oil owes its toothache-relieving properties to a powerful compound called Eugenol. Eugenol is a natural analgesic and antibacterial. It is an excellent dental pain-reliever, not only because it provides immediate temporary relief from the pain, but also because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory; it works to alleviate dental infection-a common cause of toothache.

Clove essential oil is available over-the-counter at many drugstores. It may also be available in the aromatherapy section of a health food store

You may substitute the olive oil with any other high quality vegetable oil.

Remove the clove compress before you go to sleep, as it would then pose a chocking hazard.

and pregnant or nursing women should not ingest clove oil. It should also be avoided if you have diabetes, a liver condition or kidney disease.

Never put undiluted clove oil in your mouth-it may irritate sensitive gums and even cause nerve and tissue damage.

Never apply clove oil to broken skin.

How to Relieve A Tension Headache Without Drugs

How to Relieve A Tension Headache Without Drugs

Here is a simple procedure for stopping a tension headache without drugs.


Sit and relax your shoulders. Drop your head to the right. Take a breath and relax.


Place the palm of your right hand against your right cheekbone. Take a deep breath in and hold it while you slowly press your head and your hand together.


Slowly release your breath and drop your hand. Relax your neck and shoulders. Repeat these steps two more times.


Do the same on your left side.


Straighten your head and place your fingers on the ridge of your skull just behind your ears. Breath in while pushing your head against your fingers. Hold your breath, then release your hands to your lap.


Breath in through your mouth while opening your jaw as wide as possible. Release your breath and relax your jaw. Do this twice more.


Allow your head to drop slowly to your chest. Take a couple of relaxed breaths.


Lock your fingers behind your head and allow the weight of your arms to push your chin closer to your chest.
Hold this for 15 seconds, then release.


Finally, breath gently while you raise your head.

How to Relieve a Headache with Self Massage

How to Relieve a Headache with Self Massage

I (like numerous others) am a chronic headache sufferer. I get them from stress, from environmental factors, and from food triggers! Anyone who sufferers from headaches knows that sometimes pills aren't enough to stop a headache in its tracks or worse sometimes they aren't around at all. In my quest for alternate cure-alls I've come up with the following guide of self massage techniques that can stop a headache before it starts or relieve the throbbing pain of a headache in progress. Happy healing!

Things You'll Need:

5 minutes of piece and quiet!


At the the first sign of a headache rub your hands vigorously together to create heat. Gently press the heals of your hands onto your closed eyelids. When your hands have cooled open your eyes and focus on a far away point in the distance. Repeat twice.


Place your fingers on your forehead with your thumbs behind your ears. Apply moderate pressure with your fingers and thumbs. Squeeze counting slowly to 5. Inhale and exhale slowly as you count. Release pressure. Repeat twice.


Close your eyes and place your ring fingers just below your eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Press gently, slowly increasing the pressure while counting to 5. Release, and repeat twice more.


Kneed the palms of your hands with the opposite thumbs, starting where the hand joins the wrist and working toward the spaces between the bones of the fingers.

Tips & Warnings

Taking just five minutes to relax can prevent an on coming headache from getting worse!

How to Relieve a Headache With Reflexology

How to Relieve a Headache With Reflexology

With the stress of modern day living plus the added economic crisis and pollution related sinus and allergy problems, it seems that headaches are becoming more and more of a problem for most of us.

If you're like me you hate to take OTC medicines every time you have a small health problem, so here's an easy way to relieve most headaches before they get so bad you have to "take a pill".

Things You'll Need:

A minute or two of your time


Take the time to sit comfortably and try to relax your neck and shoulders.


Press the thumb of one hand into the web between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Continue massaging all around the base of the thumb.

Sometimes you will need to switch hands and massage both thumbs in order to get rid of the headache, but usually massaging one side will work.


Continue to sit in a relaxed position and take deep breaths for a minute or two to allow your body to relax.

How to relieve a cold with mustard.

How to relieve a cold with mustard.

Who says that over the counter medications work better then grandmas' home made remedies. When I had a cold, my grandma would always put me to bed and "fix me with mustard."

Things You'll Need:

Cloves from a mustard plant. (commonly found in health food stores)



Mash a couple tablespoons of mustard leaves into a thick pulp.


Cover chest with Vaseline.


Spread mustard pulp over the area where you spread the Vaseline.


Cover with towel. It is best to tuck in kids tight to prevent a big mess.

Tips & Warnings

To prevent adverse affect of the mustard plant, do not forget to use the Vaseline..