How to Relieve a Headache with Self Massage

How to Relieve a Headache with Self Massage

I (like numerous others) am a chronic headache sufferer. I get them from stress, from environmental factors, and from food triggers! Anyone who sufferers from headaches knows that sometimes pills aren't enough to stop a headache in its tracks or worse sometimes they aren't around at all. In my quest for alternate cure-alls I've come up with the following guide of self massage techniques that can stop a headache before it starts or relieve the throbbing pain of a headache in progress. Happy healing!

Things You'll Need:

5 minutes of piece and quiet!


At the the first sign of a headache rub your hands vigorously together to create heat. Gently press the heals of your hands onto your closed eyelids. When your hands have cooled open your eyes and focus on a far away point in the distance. Repeat twice.


Place your fingers on your forehead with your thumbs behind your ears. Apply moderate pressure with your fingers and thumbs. Squeeze counting slowly to 5. Inhale and exhale slowly as you count. Release pressure. Repeat twice.


Close your eyes and place your ring fingers just below your eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Press gently, slowly increasing the pressure while counting to 5. Release, and repeat twice more.


Kneed the palms of your hands with the opposite thumbs, starting where the hand joins the wrist and working toward the spaces between the bones of the fingers.

Tips & Warnings

Taking just five minutes to relax can prevent an on coming headache from getting worse!