How to Relieve Allergies With Chrysanthemum Tea
Chrysanthemums can help relieve eye irritation and sinus congestion caused by allergies. It's been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years in China. Chrysanthemum tea can be taken by the entire family and is ideal to drink during cold and flu season too.
Buy chrysanthemum tea online or at a store selling herbal supplements and teas. A box of 20 tea bags will run you about $6.
Steep one to two tea bags in hot water for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and drink the tea hot. Drink two to four tea bags every day to relieve allergies.
Refrigerate the hot tea until it's cold to make iced chrysanthemum tea. During allergy season, keep a pitcher of it handy in the fridge.
Make an herbal infusion by putting four to five flower heads into hot water. Steep the leaves for 2 to 4 minutes. Remove leaves when the drink turns light yellow. Drink hot or refrigerate for iced tea.
Add sugar or honey to chrysanthemum tea to enhance the taste if needed.
Allow dried chrysanthemum flowers to cool. Place them over your eyes to relieve the itching caused by allergies. Put extra flower heads in the refrigerator for future use.
Use cool chrysanthemum tea bags in the same way. Hold them on your eyes for about 10 minutes to provide allergic relief.
Chrysanthemums can help relieve eye irritation and sinus congestion caused by allergies. It's been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years in China. Chrysanthemum tea can be taken by the entire family and is ideal to drink during cold and flu season too.
Buy chrysanthemum tea online or at a store selling herbal supplements and teas. A box of 20 tea bags will run you about $6.
Steep one to two tea bags in hot water for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and drink the tea hot. Drink two to four tea bags every day to relieve allergies.
Refrigerate the hot tea until it's cold to make iced chrysanthemum tea. During allergy season, keep a pitcher of it handy in the fridge.
Make an herbal infusion by putting four to five flower heads into hot water. Steep the leaves for 2 to 4 minutes. Remove leaves when the drink turns light yellow. Drink hot or refrigerate for iced tea.
Add sugar or honey to chrysanthemum tea to enhance the taste if needed.
Allow dried chrysanthemum flowers to cool. Place them over your eyes to relieve the itching caused by allergies. Put extra flower heads in the refrigerator for future use.
Use cool chrysanthemum tea bags in the same way. Hold them on your eyes for about 10 minutes to provide allergic relief.