How to Relieve a Headache With Reflexology

How to Relieve a Headache With Reflexology

With the stress of modern day living plus the added economic crisis and pollution related sinus and allergy problems, it seems that headaches are becoming more and more of a problem for most of us.

If you're like me you hate to take OTC medicines every time you have a small health problem, so here's an easy way to relieve most headaches before they get so bad you have to "take a pill".

Things You'll Need:

A minute or two of your time


Take the time to sit comfortably and try to relax your neck and shoulders.


Press the thumb of one hand into the web between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Continue massaging all around the base of the thumb.

Sometimes you will need to switch hands and massage both thumbs in order to get rid of the headache, but usually massaging one side will work.


Continue to sit in a relaxed position and take deep breaths for a minute or two to allow your body to relax.