How to Relieve Arthritis Pain by Diet

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain by Diet

Wellness consultants and open-minded doctors have seen how diet can directly affect arthritis patients and their symptoms. The question of how to relieve arthritis pain by diet, they tell us, is directly linked to avoiding the deadly nightshades and knowing how they affect your body. The following steps will help you relieve pain by diet.


Cut the deadly nightshades (Solanaceae family)--tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, and peppers of all kinds except black pepper--from your diet and your lifestyle. Nightshades contain the active metabolite, vitamin D3. This has caused crippling and early disability in livestock.


Try this experiment for a number of weeks, if you are an arthritis sufferer or even simply a person who just wants to feel better, be stronger, and have more vitality. Watch and see during these weeks if your inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness are reduced, as they have been in other people with arthritis pain.


Look on the web for articles about this, and you will find research and stories about how arthritis sufferers have improved for the first time in their lives after removing nightshades from their diet.


Understand that funding for research can get held back and tied up in politics and big business sometimes. But the evidence of the affect of nightshades is there because people have been experimenting with their own bodies and diets.


Build stronger bones, teeth and avoid pain in the joints, knees, feet, wrists and hips by cutting these nightshades from your life. It can take from 6 to 12 weeks to see an improvement, experts say, so start avoiding nightshades now to relieve arthritis pain.